Advertising Contract Profile

A contract records the terms of agreement for supplying advertising at a fixed price. Ad agencies and advertisers use the contract to specify the number of ad placements, rate card terms, contract terms, and billing information.

Contract Profile Information

The Contract Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
contract id Displays the NetForum-generated number used to track the contract.
date signed Displays the user-entered date that the contract was signed.
advertiser Displays the full name of the advertiser, which can be an individual or an organization. Click the linked name to go to the Individual Profile or Organization Profile page.
rate card Displays the name of the rate card used to establish this contract.
seller Displays the name of the individual who sold the services in this contract.
placements Displays the number of placements ordered in this contract.
term start Displays the user-entered date that the contract term starts.
term end Displays the user-entered date that the contract term ends.

Contract Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Contract Profile:

Contract Child Form

The child forms section of the Contract Profile contains one tab, the Info Tab.

Info Tab

Use the Info tab to track insertion order details such as advertisers, publications, and Bill To name. The Info tab has the insertion orders child form.